Next, members should know about Dr. John Schwerer. About a year and a half ago, he had a $20 million portfolio. It’s now stands at over $40 million! Dr. Schwerer has generously offered to speak with anyone interested. (772-216-3390)
Now, our book review. A PDF of The Psychology of Money is available at no charge. This post is a review of one key feature. For a detailed review taking 10 to 12 minutes to read, go here.
The bottom line of this highly regarded book is that financial knowledge and training do not guarantee success in investing. To that we add that neither does hard work. See here also.
As examples, the book mentions a gas station attendant and janitor who left an $8 million portfolio when he died at age 92 and a Harvard-educated finance executive who went bankrupt, his education and occupation notwithstanding.
You will enjoy reading the book, but if you don’t have the time, read the review.
With the habits of the Monday Morning Program, luck hardly matters.
Good luck!