Our process will appeal to people who–
- are concerned that they’re being taking advantage of by Wall Street/Bay Street
- fear that they are losing control of their money
- would like to continue their lifestyle in retirement and are concerned about longevity risk (running out of money)
Our process will help you–
- feel confident in your abilities to invest
- be in control of your portfolio(s)
- and give you an estate!
The Monday Morning Millionaire Process has outperformed the US market over the six-year period during which we kept comparison records provided by TD Bank’s WebBroker services. With mathematical certainty, managed money (stock picking) cannot do that over the long run because of management expenses. Most of the thousands of mutual funds that the industry pitches at investors have achieved much less than the US market as measured by the S&P 500.
The Monday Morning Millionaire Process DOES NOT make stock recommendations nor does it manage member portfolios. Stock picking gets results similar to throwing darts at a list of stocks. It goes against one of “The Habits of Highly Successful Investors” and can take up enormous amounts of time. The Monday Morning Millionaire Process shows members how to be successful and confident do-it-yourself investors with little effort.
The Monday Morning Millionaire Program does make reading recommendations. Amazon carries over 20,000 finance and investing titles. A few are outstanding. The Monday Morning Millionaire Program helps members select excellent, relevant books.
Occasionally, the Monday Morning Millionaire Program may host informational seminars for a small fee. Generally, those are not-for-profit events to bring like-minded people together volunteering to discuss the program.
Is the Monday Morning Millionaire Program for you?
Our program is for successful and astute people who are self-starters and who are open to new ideas. It works like membership in a club. After joining for a small fee, ($12 CAD) members get weekly reports about the impact of the current news on investing. Also, the program answers all their investing questions consistent with the principles of “The Habits of Highly Successful Investors”.
The habits of highly effective investors are:
- Having an early, disciplined savings program
- Self-directed (do-it-yourself) investing
- Buying the entire US market
- Buying and holdin
- Buying low, selling high
- Avoiding complexity