In our post of January 20, 2021, titled How to avoid hidden fees and prosper, we stated:
“More crime, much of it legal, is committed on Wall Street before noon than any other place in the course of an entire year. (“Behind most great wealth, there is a great crime.” Honoré de Balsac)”
Legal crime? The list is long and goes back to ancient times.
- You and I would go to jail for trading on insider information but until recently, that did not apply to members of the US congress.
- Jim Crow laws enforcing racial segregation
- Going back to the 18 century BC, the code of Hammurabi included the death penalty for harvesting timber illegally
- Numerous presidential pardons, a continuation of many-hundred-year-old royal pardons
- The treatment of women in many Islamic countries
Millions of investors are victimized by Wall Street crime, much of it legal. Here is what we can say about that.
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