Good news for Canadian investors who are not with TD webBroker

TD webBroker has a promotion now. They will give you a gift of one percent of any money you transfer to TD webBroker from any other bank.

For example, if you transfer $100,000 you will get a gift of $1000, risk-free.

If you don’t have a TD web broker account, they will be happy to open one for you. Make sure that it is a margin account.

Canadians are not allowed to sell cash-covered puts in their tax- advantaged accounts (RIF, TFSA, RRSP and the like) as Americans can. However, they can do so in a margin account and that is the only reason to have one.

Dr. Milan Somborac

The Monday Morning Millionaire Program supports do-it-yourself (DIY) investors which I have been for over 50 years. About my team and me