
The Motley Fool on asset allocation

Several of our members are enthusiastic about the Motley Fool.

You can see the Motley Fool take on asset allocation below the line, precisely as they updated it on Jul 17, 2021.

Respected investment experts agree that asset allocation is the most critical consideration for portfolio performance. Quoting David Swensen “…asset allocation accounts for the largest share of portfolio returns.”

At over 1500 words, the Motley Fool article is far more complicated than it needs to be. During the second world war, Winston Churchill stated that he did not want to see any reports longer than one page.

We are publishing the Motley Fool article to serve as a reference point. At the Monday Morning Program, we focus on concise, evidence-based, actionable articles. Winston Churchill would approve. 

We will publish our treatment of asset allocation soon. It will have fewer than 500 words.


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Correction to Mon. June 27, 2022 fearless, intrepid investor activities

Yesterday’s post was completely incorrect. My apologies.

On June 20, our fearless, intrepid investor DID NOT SELL ten covered call contracts on Novavax (NVAX) at a strike price of $US48, expiry date Friday of the same week, that is, June 24. (C 24JUN22 48.00) as we stated.

Nor did she sell 15  covered call contracts on Novavax (NVAX) at a strike price of $US52, expiry date Friday of the same week, that is, June 24. (C 24JUN22 52).

She actually sold 10 covered call contracts on Novavax (NVAX) at a strike price of $48, expiry date FRIDAY, JULY 1 and not June 24.  (C 01JUL22 48.00).

She also sold 15  covered call contracts on Novavax (NVAX) at a strike price of $US52, expiry date FRIDAY, JULY 1 and not June 24. (C 01JUL22 52).

These two positions will give her $12,550 immediate premium income regardless of what the NVAX shares do. (The value of her NVAX shares is about $US135,000.00.)

For several weeks now, NVAX has dropped by more than the premium income she received for an overall loss in her “fun” portfolio.

As we frequently state, luck hardly matters with the habits of the Monday Morning Program. Writing covered calls does require luck. Last week, she was lucky! NVAX rose enough for her to buy 200 more shares of NVAX.

What is the worst that can happen?

What is the best that can happen?

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Mon. June 27, 2022. How our fearless, intrepid investor made out recently and her plans for today

Last Monday, June 20, our fearless, intrepid investor sold ten covered call contracts on Novavax (NVAX) at a strike price of $48, expiry date Friday of the same week, that is, June 24. (C 24JUN22 48.00).

She also sold 15  covered call contracts on Novavax (NVAX) at a strike price of $52, expiry date Friday of the same week, that is, June 24. (C 24JUN22 52).

She earned immediate premium income in addition to the amount of the out-of-the-money strike price.

We will have details tomorrow, Tuesday, June 28.

So, what are her plans for today (June 27) when the market opens at 9:30 AM?

What is the worst that can happen?

What is the best that can happen?

Over the last few weeks, her “fun” portfolio has grown mainly because of luck and not skill.

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How to prosper using index funds

Since half of all investors involved in any securities transaction are wrong, the Monday Morning Program discourages stock-picking and favours buying shares in the American economy, one of the strongest in history. Investors can do that by acquiring an exchange-traded fund that tracks the S&P 500 .

Nevertheless, we should all know about Seeking Alpha. It is an impressive organization even though it is heavily into stock-picking.

One of our members recently recommended a Seeking Alpha article titled Using Index Funds for Diversification. It is by Daniel Price, CFA, and a summary follows:

  • Diversification helps investors to navigate fast-changing markets and stay the course to pursue their financial goals.
  • Recent stock market volatility has proven why diversification is important and can help reduce risk in portfolios.
  • Despite this wild ride, over the last five years, patient investors have been rewarded as U.S. stock indexes have risen over 80%.

From the above, one would think that Seeking Alpha is a Monday Morning member.

With the habits of the Monday Morning Program, luck hardly matters.

Good luck!



Investors face a 50% chance of an accident. How to avoid it and how to prosper

Who would drive knowing that there is a 50% chance of an accident?

Investors buying or selling an individual security, face exactly that.

If the security goes up in value, the buyer is right and the seller is wrong. If the security drops in value, the buyer is wrong and the seller is right. They cannot both be right.

In any investment transaction, past or future, investors face a 50% chance of being wrong.

That is why the Monday Morning Program recommends buying shares of the entire US economy as represented by an exchange-traded fund which tracks the S&P 500. The latter is an excellent approximation of the US economy, one of the strongest in history. No stock-picking (except in your “fun” portfolio).

All the mistakes that any investor ever made or will make in the future arise from ignoring one or more of the six habits which we promote.

Don’t go there (except in your “fun” portfolio).

With the habits of the Monday Morning Program, luck hardly matters.

Good luck!

Who is most vulnerable to climate change health damage? June 17, 2022 Survey results

First, a thank you to all who gifted a membership or a one-on-one zoom meeting to friends and relatives. We think that they make ideal gifts. Consider it.

Next, yesterday it was a market holiday so, for yesterday’s post, go here.

And now, our sincere gratitude to all members who took the time to respond to our Friday, June 17, survey about the effect of climate change on health. Time is an irreplaceable resource. We appreciate your involvement.

You can see our survey results below.

In your opinion, who is most vulnerable to climate change health damage?

We all are.


The elderly and young children are most at risk.


People in developing countries are more at risk than people in Canada and the United States.


You can you read some worthwhile comments below.

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Mon. June 20, 2022. How our fearless, intrepid investor made out recently and her plans for today

Last Monday, June 13, our fearless, intrepid investor sold 23 covered call contracts on Novavax (NVAX) at a strike price of $40, expiry date Friday of the same week, June 17. (C 17JUN22 40.00) NVAX was trading at $36.50.

She received $US2,309.03 in premium income allowing $3.50 per share growth if there was to be any.

That $US2,309.03 was immediate money in the bank regardless of what NVAX did over the course of the week.

For several weeks now, NVAX has dropped by more than the premium income she received for an overall loss in her “fun” portfolio.

As we frequently state, with the habits of the Monday Morning Program, luck hardly matters. Writing covered calls does require luck. Last week, she was lucky! NVAX rose to $40.24 and she collected $US8,050.00 ($US3.50 times 2,300) from NVAX growth in addition to the $US2,309.03 in premium income for a total of $US10,359.03 ($US8,050.00  plus $US2,309.03).

When she was in practice, she would have considered that to be an exceptionally good week’s income. Writing the 23 covered call contract on NVAX, she earned that before breakfast last Monday morning, June 13.

Of course, she was assigned having written the 23 covered call contract at a strike price of $US.40.00.

So, what are her plans for today when the market opens at 9:30 AM?

What is the worst that can happen?

What is the best that can happen?

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We are in bear market territory. Good or bad?


From yesterday’s Wall Street Journal:

“Had you been able to sink $100 into U.S. stocks in each of the 199 months from February 1966 through the end of August 1982, your $19,900 in cumulative investments would have left you with $18,520 after inflation, according to Morningstar.”

Hard to ignore.


…history shows that investors who bought an exchange-traded fund that tracks the S&P 500 when it got into a bear market (a drop of 20%) made 22.7% in the next 12 months.

That too is hard to ignore.

With the habits of the Monday morning program, luck hardly matters.

Good luck!





How to apply practical wisdom to cryptocurrencies

Recently, The Globe and Mail, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times  published close to 4,000 words on cryptocurrencies. That does not take into account what Barron’s, The Washington Post, Forbes, the British The Times and other high-impact papers had to say on the subject. Add to that the hours and hours that talking heads dealt with the issue recently; you could spend the rest of the year going over the material.

Practical wisdom is the right way to do the right thing. You would gain no practical wisdom from the above.

If investors cannot explain a security to a 12-year-old they should not buy into it. (Habit number six – avoid complexity.)

Avoiding cryptocurrencies and all that is stated about them is practical wisdom.

With the habits of the Monday Morning Program, luck hardly matters.

Good luck!






Mon. June 13, 2022. How our fearless, intrepid investor made out recently and her plans for today

Until the beginning of last week (June 6, 2022), our fearless, intrepid investor averaged 14% annually in her “fun” portfolio writing 10 covered call contracts on Novavax (NVAX) on Mondays, expiry dates on Fridays of the same week.  To lower the risk of being assigned, she wrote those $10 out of the money instead of the usual just out-of-the-money sale, as she did in the past. For details, go here.

Using the premium income she received plus some cash that she had in her “fun” portfolio, she bought another 1200 shares of NVAX. She now owned 2300 shares.

Until the beginning of last week….

Then what happened? The market went down the following day but our fearless investor’s “fun” portfolio rose $C4,913.76!  Thank you, NVAX!

Well, the fastest way to make a buck can also be the fastest way to lose a buck! From here on, NVAX continued to decline and by the end of the week, our fearless investor’s “fun” stopped being fun. The worst that could happen did happen. The price of NVAX shares dropped below the premium income she received resulting in an overall total loss.

What will she do today when the market opens at 9:30 AM?

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