
Monday, Sept. 8, 2023. How our fearless, intrepid investor made out last week and what she will do today

For several weeks, the SPY  put/call ratio showed positive investor sentiment, suggesting a short-term market rise. The best thing to do at that time is NOT to sell derivatives with SPY as the underlying security but simply to hold SPY.

As suggested by the put/call ratio, SPY rose and our fearless, intrepid investor benefited.

What will she do when the market opens today?

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Modern investing, August 26, 2023

Greetings, everyone,

You will enjoy the presentation which follows:

The presentation is about 40 minutes long. It summarizes derivatives investing and it is quite likely that you could learn something useful from watching it.

Contact me if you have questions.

I send my best personal regards,

Milan 😃

Monday, August 7, 2023. How our fearless, intrepid investor made out last week and what she will do today

Last Monday, July 31, our fearless, intrepid investor wrote (sold) just-out-of-the-money covered calls on SPY. She collected a nice premium income – safe, secure, adequate.

On Friday, August 4, the put/call ratio showed investor sentiment to be negative suggesting a short-term market decline. The best thing to do at a time like that is to sell just out-of-the-money covered calls on a safe security as our as our fearless, intrepid investor did last week.

The risk of selling covered calls is directly connected to the selected security. The safest security to use is an exchange-traded fund (ETF) which tracks the American economy as a whole. Of the thousands of ETFs that exist, only about six qualify in that respect. Among those, the best is SPY. It is the oldest and the largest ESP tracking the S&P 500 and has the narrowest bid/ask spread.

What will our fearless, intrepid investor do when the market opens today?

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Monday, July 31, 2023. How our fearless, intrepid investor made out last week and what she will do today

The put/call ratio shows investor sentiment and is a reasonably reliable indicator of the near-term market direction. Nevertheless, it is a judgment-based decision. Rules-based decisions  such as the six habits of the Monday Morning Program are always right. Judgment-based decisions are frequently wrong.

That was the case last Monday, July 24, and our fearless, intrepid investor wrote (sold) just-out-of-the-money covered calls on SPY. She collected a nice premium income, but SPY rose instead of declining as expected, and she was assigned.

What will our fearless, intrepid investor do when the market opens today?

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Call for papers, July 2023


We would be delighted to hear from any of our members about investment experiences they have had, articles that they think others would find interesting, regulations that impact on investors’ outcomes and more.

We ask you to keep your submissions to 500 words or less to save followers’ time.

We will communicate with you if  your submissions need adjustment.

I look forward to hearing from you.



Monday, July 24, 2023. How our fearless, intrepid investor made out last week and what she will do today

The risk in writing (selling) covered calls is entirely due to the underlying security. If that security is an exchange-traded fund (ETF) tracking the S&P 500, it will be tracking the US economy as a whole, the best-performing economy on the planet in over 100 years.

Wall Street is constantly telling investors that past performance isn’t indicative of future returns. That is true except when it isn’t, which is most of the time. Confucius said: “Study the past if you would define the future.” We should listen to Confucius.

The best (ETF) tracking the S&P 500 is SPY. It is the oldest and largest ETF with the smallest bid/ask spread.

On Mondays, our fearless, intrepid investor writes (sells) covered calls on SPY with a strike price just out-of-the-money, expiry date, Friday of the same week.

Half the time, the weekly  decline will be greater than the premium income received during that week. Nevertheless, the premium income will be there every week. Investors can ignore any weekly decline knowing that SPY will recover over the long term, according to Confucius.

In a rising market such as we have had in the pasts few weeks, investors do better by simply holding SPY and NOT writing (selling) covered calls on it.

What will the market do in the near future? The put/call ratio is a fairly reliable indicator.

What will our fearless, intrepid investor do when the market opens today?

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